
Sacred Wicca

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Prosperity Gift Basket -  a great Yuletide gift


You will need:

  1. Basket
  2. Gold Spray Paint
  3. Shredded Paper
  4. Coins 
  5. 2 yards of cellophane
  6. Large Green Pillar candle with the Rune FEHU inscribed on it. 
  7. Gold & Silver Glitter
  8. 5 aventurine stones
  9. Small decorative pouch of herbs containing cinnamon, clove, ginger, orange peel. The little organza bags that you can get at the dollar store are ideal.
  10. Small square of parchment paper 
  11. Pen with green ink
  12. Green and gold ribbons


  1. Money Oil:

 4 pts. Frankincense

1 pt. Heliotrope
1/2 pt. Bay
1 pt. Orange
1/2 pt. Cinnamon or Cassia
2 pts. Sandalwood (optional)


Write or print out the Abundance Spell (below) and roll it into a scroll fastened with a green ribbon.

Paint a small basket with gold spray paint or leave it natural if you wish. Gold is the colour of wealth, think of a treasure box filled with gold coins!

Gather together all of the items you will be putting into your basket.

Cut 2 yards (or less depending on the size of your basket) of cellophane and place the basket in the middle of it.

Purify and bless a coin or coins and place at the bottom of the basket. Fill the basket 3/4 full with gold or yellow shredded crinkle paper.

Place all the items into the spell basket and sprinkle with gold or silver glitter. As you sprinkle chant:


Prosperity is my gift to you,
Magick brings a wealthy gain,
Money, joy, abundance too,
Showers upon you like the rain!


Draw up the cellophane and fasten it with green and gold ribbons.


Abundance Spell Ritual

During a Waxing Moon (when the Moon is getting bigger) or during a Full Moon, anoint the green candle with the money oil.
Hold the unlit candle for a while, concentrating on the gift of abundance.

With the green pen write 'abundance' on the parchment paper and 'prosperity' on the other side. Don't worry about any money troubles you may have - keep your thoughts optimistic.

Sprinkle the magick herbs in a circle around the candle and place the 5 aventurine stones around the candle as well.

Place the parchment under the candle and light the wick.

Position your hands on either side of the candle, with your palms open and upwards. Close your eyes and visualize unlimited abundance flowing into your hands. Chant three times:

I attract prosperity and abundance.

Let the Candle burn at least 10 minutes before you extinguish it with your fingers or a snuffer. Never blow out your candle else you will "blow away" the magick.

Repeat this spell every day until the candle is completely consumed.