
Sacred Wicca

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12 DAYS of YULETIDE a Pagan Adaptation of the 12 Days of Christmas 


     (To the tune of “The First Noel)


On this Winter holiday, let us stop and recall

That this season is holy to one and to all.

Unto some a Son is born, unto us comes a Sun,

And we know, if they don’t, that all paths are one.


Chorus:  Share the light, share the light!

Share the light, share the light!

All paths are one on this holy night!


Be it Chanukah or Yule,

Christmas time or Solstice night,

All celebrate the eternal light.

Lighted tree or burning log,

Or eight candle flames

All gods are one god, whatever their names.

 Chorus:  repeat thrice more




(To the tune of “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”)


Ye children all of Mother Earth

Join hands and circle around

To celebrate the Solstice night

When our lost Lord is found.

Rejoice, the year has begun again

The Sun blesses skies up above

So share the season together now

In everlasting Love!




(To the tune of “Jingle Bells”)


The Sun returns, the Sun returns, the Sun returns today

Join us in a song of Praise to help Him on His way.

The Sun returns, the Sun returns, the Sun returns today

Join us in a song of Praise to help Him on His way.


Gather round the Fire, Full of Yuletide Cheer,

The Wheel has turned again, The end of dark is near.

Spring is on its way, making spirits bright

What fun it is to laugh and sing our  Yuletide song tonight.





Silent Night, Solstice Night

All is calm, all is bright

Nature slumbers in forest and glen

Till in Springtime She wakens again

Sleeping spirits grow strong!

Sleeping spirits grow strong!

Silent Night, Solstice Night

Silver moon, shining bright

Snowfall blankets the slumbering Earth

Yule fires welcome the Sun’s rebirth

Hark, the Light is reborn!

Hark, the Light is reborn!

Silent Night, Solstice Night

Quiet rest till the Light

Turning ever the rolling Wheel

Brings the Winter to comfort and heal

Rest your spirit in peace!

Rest your spirit in peace!




(To the tune of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas!)


We wish you a happy Solstice

We wish you a happy Solstice

We wish you a happy Solstice

And a night of Good Cheer

Season’s Greetings we bring

To all far and near

We wish you a happy Solstice

And a night of Good Cheer!!!



(Sung to the tune of God Bless Ye Merry Gentleman)
Re-crafted by Rowan Morgana

Goddess Bless ye merry witches, let nothing you dismay,

Remember that the Sun God is born on Solstice Day

To Turn the Wheel towards the Sun with warming solar rays

O tidings of summer and joy, summer and joy;
O tidings of summer and joy.

In the Eastern Quarter, the Child of Light is born,

A tiny flame of sunlight grows stronger every morn;

The Goddess of the Moon and Stars throws back her cloak well worn

“Fear not, then,” said the Goddess “Let nothing you afright

This day is born a Sun of a pure and golden light,

To turn the Wheel of time away from Winter’s power and might.”


Sing praises to the Sun God all you within this place,

With perfect love and perfect trust each other now embrace;

This Blessed Yuletide miracle of Divine Grace.


Goddess Bless the Child of Light, may he proudly reign,

Until at Summer Solstice his light begins to wane

Among your friends and kindred that live both far and near—





Pagans sing, are you listening'

Alters set, candles glisten,

It's a magical night, we're having tonight

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

Blades held high, censor smoking,

God and Goddess, we're invoking,

Through Elements Five, we celebrate life,

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland,

Queen of Heaven, is in her place,

Triple Goddess, now the Crone face

Above and below, She's the Goddess we know,

Dancing in a Wiccan wonderland.

 Now the God, is the provider

Supplying game for our fire,

Above and below, He's the Horned one we know,

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

In a circle we can burn a Yule fire,

And await the rising of the Sun,

It's the great wheel turning for the new year,

loaded with abundance and great fun

Later on, by the fire,

Cone of Power, getting' higher

It's a Magical Night, we're having tonight,

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland!



(We three Kings)


Chorus: Oh, Moon of Silver, Sun of Gold,

Gentle Lady, Lord so bold!

Guide us ever, failing never,

Lead us in the ways of old.

Maiden, Mother, Ancient Crone,

Queen of Heaven on your throne,

Praise we sing Thee, love we bring Thee,

For all that you have shown.

 Lord of Darkness, Lord of Light,

Gentle brother, King of Might,

Praise we sing Thee, Love we bring Thee

On this Solstice Night.



(Margot Adler)


Amazing grace, how sweet the earth

that formed a witch like me

I once was burned, but now I thrive

Was hanged but now I sing.

 Twas grace that drew down the moon

and Grace that raised the sea

The Magick of the people's will

Will set our Mother free!

Amazing grace, how sweet the earth

that saved a witch like me

I once was burned, but now I thrive,

Was hanged but now I sing!





On the first day of Yuletide
The Goddess sent to me, 
A Pentacle in a pear tree.  

On the second day of Yuletide
The Goddess sent to me, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.


On the third day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Six rays of light, 
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree. 

On the seventh day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Seven major Chakras, 
Six rays of light, 
Five shining stars, s,
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree. 

On the eighth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Eight Wiccan Sabbats,
Seven major Chakras, 
Six rays of light, 
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Nine Celtic maidens,
Eight Wiccan Sabbats,
Seven major Chakras, 
Six rays of light, 
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Ten Doves of Peace,
Nine Celtic maidens,
Eight Wiccan Sabbats,
Seven major Chakras,
Six rays of light,
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.  

On the eleventh day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Eleven Mystic Gates,
Ten Doves of Peace, 
Nine Celtic maidens,
Eight Wiccan Sabbats,
Seven major Chakras,
Six rays of light,
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree. 

On the twelfth day of Yuletide, 
The Goddess sent to me,
Twelve months returning, 
Eleven Mystic Gates,
Ten Doves of Peace, 
Nine Celtic maidens,
Eight Wiccan Sabbats,
Seven major Chakras,
Six rays of light,
Five shining stars, 
Four Quarters calling, 
Three Moons arising, 
Two wise Owls,
And a Pentacle in a pear tree.

Rowan Morgana 2012

