
Sacred Wicca

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Yule Spell Ornament

 Make a Yule spell ornament to bring luck, prosperity, love, health, or creativity into your life.


 You'll need the following:

 Clear Glass fill-able ornament OR Clear plastic fill-able ornament

 Filler material associated with your purpose: herbs, essential oils, small stones or crystals, coloured paper, glitter, tokens of your intention

 Coloured ribbon

 Fill the plastic halves of the ornament with items that are associated with your purpose. Try a couple of the following, or come up with your own combinations.


Good Luck Magick Ornament

Essential Oils - Nutmeg, Neroli, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Vetivert, Ylang Ylang
Herbs - Allspice, Fern, Hazel, Orange, Rosemary, Thyme, Vervain, Yarrow
Crystals - Jade, Lepidolite, lodestone, tiger iron,
Additions - Leprechauns, four-leaf clovers, ladybugs, Sevens, rainbows, stars, horseshoes, green & gold glitter.
Ribbon Colors - Dark Green, Gold

Prosperity Magick Ornament

Essential Oils - Sweet Basil, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Vetivert, Sage White Dalmation, Pine, Nutmeg
Herbs - Chamomile, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Pine, Sage
Crystals - Turquoise and Amethyst
Additions - Coins, Dollar Bill rolled up, Money Symbols, Green, Silver or Gold Glitter
Ribbon Colors - Green, Silver & Gold

Love Magick Ornament

Essential Oils - Carnation, Dragon's Blood, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Vanilla
Herbs - Basil, Catnip, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon Verbena
Crystals - Rose Quartz, Emerald, Coral
Additions - Small Heart-Shaped Cutouts, Pink or Red Glitter, Cinnamon Hearts, Dried Rose Buds, Love Poems
Ribbon Colors - Red, Pink

Creativity & Inspiration Magick Ornament 

Essential Oils - Pine, Sweet Orange, Lime, Ginger, Citronella, Sweet Basil
Herbs - Tobacco, Hazelwood, Birch
Crystals - Diamonds, Quartz Crystals,
Ribbon Colors - Yellow, Gold, Orange
Additions - Embroidery Thread, Crayons, Tiny Pencils, Beads, Glitter


Healing Magick Ornament 

Essential Oils - Carnation, Clove Leaf, Pink Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Niaouli, Rose Geranium
Herbs - Cedar, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Juniper, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Violet, Wintergreen
Crystals - Agate, Adventurine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Moonstone
Ribbon Colors - Blue, white
Additions - Blue or White Glitter, Written Petition for Good Health, Caduceus, Red Cross, Eye of Horus Symbol, Pictures of Hummingbirds or Sea Turtles


As you're filling your ornament, focus on your intent. Think about the magick that you're focusing into the ornament.  You may want to chant a small incantation while you work - such as:

Magick globe with herbs I fill
Work the magick by my will.
Crystal stones I place inside
Where the magick will reside.
Ornament placed on Yule tree,
Magick gift I give to thee.

When your ornament is filled, place the two halves together and glue with craft glue if using a plastic two-piece ornament, if using a glass ornament simply pop the top back on.  Tie a ribbon around the centre and then hang your ornament on your Yule tree or place it on your Altar. Several of these ornaments placed in a box make a great gift!