January 12 is the Roman date when household Lares were honored. The Lares were the household Gods who lived with each family as protectors. Each person in the family has a Lare and there is also a Lare that protects the whole family as one.
Many pagans provide a statue, a bowl of stones, or other focal object, as a home for their family protectors. I have a gargoyle statue that looks and acts the part!
It's a wonderful idea to ritually honor your household Lares yearly, and what better time than the traditional January 12th? The rite could be considered an annual birthday party for your Lares.
Gather the following items:
Green candle
Pine, cedar, or oak moss, incense
Decorate the area around your Lare with pine cones, little statues of forest animals, ivy, holly or other greenery. If your symbol is small enough, place it on your Altar, if not, place it close by. Be sure to clean the Lare symbol completely so that there is no clinging residue of dirt or unwanted baneful energy.
Light the incense and candle. Stand before your Altar and say:
Guardian Spirits, I invite you to join me here.
You are my friends, and I wish to thank you.
With the incense circle your guardian symbol three times deosil, and say:
I thank you for your protection of this home and all who live within it.
With the lit candle circle your guardian symbol three times deosil, and say:
I thank you for the light you send to purify and dispel the darkness.
With the Wand in your power hand, encircle the symbol again three times deosil, and say:
I ask for your continued help and protection for me, my family, my pets, and my property. I ask that you drive away trouble-makers, thieves, and others, physical and non-physical, who are bent on evil disruptive purposes. I thank you for your friendship and love.
Stand with your arms upraised and say:
Lovely Goddess, Lord of the Greenwood, I present to you the guardian of this house, the special spirit I have invited into my home. I honor this guardian in this symbol of its being. Bless this guardian. And to your blessings, I add my thanks for its protection and friendship.
Spend a few moments lovingly caressing the guardian symbol, mentally expressing your love and gratitude. When you are finished, thank them for their presence at your ritual.
From Moon Magick by D. J. Conway