I come to the South. I ask the fire and the full light of noon to give me courage and energy. Burn from me all my angers and smallness of mind. I come to thee seeking right action and protection in whatever I am called to do.
I come to the West. I ask the still waters to hold me sensitive to the material needs of my world. Let the moving waters wash from me the busyness of mundane concerns. I come to thee seeking the quiet sensitivity of thy flow in twilight.
I come to the North. I ask the earth and stones for wisdom, stability and endurance. Absorb from me all stolid heaviness. I come to thee seeking growth and the quiet of thy night.
I come to the Center. Let me never forget that all things find their source in spirit and to spirit shall all return. I come to thee seeking balance.
I come to the silver light of the Moon, the golden light of Sun. May I, this day and this night, find my path and walk it with grace, serenity, hope.
I begin.
Evening Devotion
Good evening, spirits of the West, creatures of Water.
I thank you for the compassion you have given me
This and every day.
Grant me peaceful dreams tonight
That I may stand in your tide again tomorrow.
Blessed Be.
Good evening, spirits of the North, creatures of Earth.
I thank you for the balance you have given me
This and every day.
Grant me sound sleep tonight
That I may walk with you tomorrow.
Blessed Be.
Good evening, spirits of the East, creatures of Air.
I thank you for the wisdom you have given me
This and every day.
Grant me dreams tonight
That I may rise renewed with you tomorrow.
Blessed Be.
Good evening, spirits of the South, creatures of Fire.
I thank you for the energy you have given me
This and every day.
Grant me your protective warmth as I sleep
That I may dance with you again tomorrow.
Blessed Be.
Good evening, Lord and Lady.
I thank you for the life You have given me to weave
This and every day.
I pray that You will watch over my sleep tonight
That I may keep well to Your path tomorrow.
By Your grace, with harm to none,
Blessed Be.