How to Make Magick Powders
You will need:
Dried Herbs
Essential Oils
Glitter or Colored Sand
Mortar and Pestle
Mason Jar
Small bottle with cork or container with lid
Magick Powders are dried herbs that have been ground up super- fine. They are sprinkled to release their power.
In a mortar and pestle grind together the dried herbs. Be sure to keep your magick goal firmly in your mind. If you skip this step the magick powder will not be programmed and the magick will be lost.
Pour the herbs in a mason jar with a lid, and then add a drop of two of essential oil. You may or may not decide to add essential oils to the recipe, but if you do, only use a drop or two, else you will make your powder sticky. I like to add them because I love the scent and I find that the oils add an extra bit of power to the powder. If you wish, you may also add extra–fine glitter or coloured sand to the mixture. I like to add glitter because the sparkle seems to bring the mixture to life and gives it a visual punch. Put the lid on the Mason jar and shake vigorously. Again, be sure to concentrate on the magickal purpose of your powder.
Once everything is thoroughly mixed together, pour into a clean glass bottle, cap and label.
To use your magick powder, hold a pinch in your hand and envision the outcome that you desire, once you “feel” your powder is filled with energy, you may burn it, release it to the winds, sprinkle it on the earth, or throw it into running water.
For candle magick, rub your spell or ritual candle with oil then roll it in the magick powder.
Sprinkle around the perimeter of your magick circle before ritual or spell casting.
Sprinkle on your Altar or draw runes or other magickal sigils with the powder to add extra power to your magick spells. Sprinkle in specific shapes to use as focal points for visualization: protection powder in shells or pentagrams; love powder in hearts; psychic powders in spirals.
Wishing Powder
Herbs – Sage, Sandalwood, Vanilla Bean, Dandelion Whirly Seeds
Hold the powder in your hands, feel its energies and visualize your wish with perfect clarity. Summon the power within you and send it into the powder. When it is alive with energy, fling it as far from you as you can. As the powder touches the Earth, it releases its energy and guides your wish into manifestation.
Astral Travel Powder
Herbs - Monk’s Hood, Mugwort, Poppy
Essential Oil - Lavender
Sprinkle under your pillow before you sleep.
Divination Powder
Herbs - Angelica, Honeysuckle, Mugwort, Vervain
Essential Oil - Anise
Sprinkle on and around your divination tools. Sprinkle on your Altar or in a circle around you, before you begin divination.
Exorcism Powder
Herbs - Heliotrope, Angelica, Comfrey, Peony
Essential Oil - Dragon’s Blood
Sprinkle wherever you need protection and strong purification.
Happiness Powder
Herbs - Lavender, Catnip, Jasmine and Hyacinth.
Essential Oil - Neroli
Hold the powder in your hand or sprinkle in a circle around you. Visualize yourself filling with joy.
Fertility Powder
Herbs - Blackberry, Fennel, Geranium, Lady’s Mantle
Essential Oil - Rose
Sprinkle in the garden, home, farmyard, or wherever fertility is required.
Health Powder
Herbs - Chamomile, Feverfew, Foxglove, Vervain
Essential Oil - Rose Geranium
Sprinkle on or around a bed or room where a person is in need of good health.
Healing Powder
Herbs - Bracken, Marigold, Ivy, Vervain
Lavender Essential Oil
Sprinkle on or around the person or animal that requires healing.
Hexes - Break Powder
Herbs - Hydrangea, Thistle, Datura, High John
Essential Oil - Myrrh
Sprinkle wherever you need to break a hex.
Invisibility Powder
Herbs - Chicory, Heliotrope, Wolf’s Bane
Essential Oil - Pine
Sprinkle some in your pocket, car or outdoor space. You won’t become invisible, but you will be able to pass unnoticed if you are stealthy.
Love Powder
Herbs - Red Rose Petals, Red Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle, Water lily
Essential Oil - Jasmine
For use in attracting love. Be sure to sprinkle the bed sheets or bedroom. Sprinkle yourself before going out to help you meet someone new.
Luck Powder
Herbs - Irish Moss, Nettle, Star Anise, Clover
Essential Oil - Vanilla
Use to bring positive changes into your life.
Money Powder
Herbs - Basil, Comfrey, Goldenrod, Peppermint
Essential Oil - Patchouli
Sprinkle in your place of business, in your wallet or purse. Rub onto money before spending. Or, sprinkle in a dollar sign on your altar or place of meditation and burn green candles over the powder symbol.
Prosperity Powder
Herbs - Broom, Heliotrope, Snapdragon, Bergamot
Essential Oil - Peppermint
Use to attract wealth in all its forms.
Protection Powder, recipe #1
Herbs - Angelica, Chrysanthemum, Fennel, Peony
Essential Oil - Anise
Sprinkle around the outside of your home and the borders of your property to ward off baneful energy.
Protection Powder, recipe #2
Herbs - Foxglove, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Monkshood
Essential Oil - Dragon’s Blood
To protect yourself, sprinkle in a circle and stand within it until feel safe and protected.
Psychic Powder
Herbs - Mugwort, Peppermint, Rosemary, Yarrow
Essential Oil - Nutmeg
Sprinkle before meditation, or before you undertake any psychic work.
Purification Powder
Herbs - Angelica, Jasmine, Rosemary, Vervain,
Essential Oil - Frankincense
Sprinkle on yourself, your altar, ritual tools, sacred space - on anything that needs purification.
Rain – To Fall Powder
Herbs - Fern, Pansy, Heather
Essential Oil - Sweet Orange
While you are outdoors holding the powder in your hand, circle three times deosil then blow the powder into the wind.
Samhain Spirit Powder
Herbs - Angelica, Tobacco, Mugwort, Sage
Essential Oil - Patchouli
Use on your Samhain Altar, ritual tools and candles. Sprinkle some powder around pictures of your deceased loved ones.
Spirituality Powder
Herbs - Angelica, Gum Arabic, Heliotrope, Yarrow
Essential Oil - Frankincense
Sprinkle before meditation or rituals to turn your awareness to higher things.
Success Powder
Herbs - Bergamot, Chamomile, Peony, Vervain
Essential Oil - Ginger
Sprinkle wherever you require success.
Wind (Raising) Powder
Herbs - Bladderwrack, Broom, Saffron
Essential Oil - Sandalwood
While you are outdoors hold the powder in your hand, circle three times deosil then blow the powder into the wind.
Wisdom – To Obtain Powder
Herbs - Broom, Geranium, Iris, Rosemary
Essential Oil - Sage
Sprinkle on books, manuscripts, sprinkle in your pockets before going to classes.
©Rowan Morgana 2014