Isis Spell of Renewal and Restoration
Items needed:
- 1 purple candle placed into the center of your Altar
- Anointing Oil consisting of 5 drops each: jasmine, orange, nutmeg mixed with olive or any other vegetable oil
- Parchment with the words anger, fear, resentment, (your name), cast away, written in dove’s blood ink (or any ink or pen that you have on hand)
- Sage smudge or incense
- Incense to burn as an offering to Isis at the end of your spell
After a purifying yourself in a bath or shower sit before your altar.
Purify the space and yourself with a sage smudge (or you can use incense).
Cast your Circle in the usual manner.
Call the Watchtowers and ask for their aid.
Anoint yourself, your candle and the parchment paper with the anointing oil.
Light the candle.
Begin to meditate on your problem, and ask Isis to give you assistance. Visualize your problem as a dried walnut, hard, bitter and brown. Visualize the walnut beginning to change, turning green and soft, then opening up to expose a beautiful pink flower inside.
Chant three times:
Throes and woes, like clouds of darkness,
Fade away, fade away……..
Like grains of sand on storm swept beaches,
Wash away, wash away……
Burn in white light as these words I recite,
And blow away, blow far away,
like ashes in the wind:
The healing magick now begins.
Burn the parchment paper with your words written on it then chant three times to Isis:
Isis Goddess of Restorative Love,
You grant me the assurance that when I have lost my way,
the path will be restored to me,
and whatever is broken can be made whole again.
Thank the Goddess Isis for her aid and burn a stick of incense as an offering of thanks.
Rowan Morgana