Bat's Blood Ink
2 parts dragon's blood resin
1/2 part myrrh resin
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops indigo colour
12 parts alcohol
1/2 part gum arabic
Steep the ground resins in the alcohol till dissolved, then add the cinnamon oil, indigo, and
ground gum arabic. Filter and bottle.
Dove's Blood Ink
2 parts dragon's blood resin
1/2 part myrrh resin
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops indigo colour
12 parts alcohol
1/2 part gum arabic
Steep the ground resins in the alcohol till dissolved, then add the cinnamon oil, indigo, and
ground gum arabic. Filter and bottle.
Dove's Blood Ink
1 part dragons' blood
2 drops cinnamon
2 drops bay
10 parts alcohol
10 parts alcohol
1 part gum arabic
2 drops rose oil.
Dragon's Blood Ink
1 part dragon's blood resin
15 parts alcohol
1 part dragon's blood resin
15 parts alcohol
1 part gum arabic
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