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Divination with Hieroglyphics


Ancient Egyptians didn't use Hieroglyphics for divination but they can be used as a divination tool in modern times.   

The following system is a fairly easy form of Hieroglyphic divination. Each of the phonetic Hieroglyphs is assigned a meaning.  The symbols can be drawn on cards, or incised on plaster or wood lots, then drawn at random or laid out in patterns like Tarot spreads. Or they could be arranged in a circle and read with the aid of a pendulum held over the center. There are many potential variations.

The names given for the symbols are based upon modern assumptions –we have no idea what if anything the ancient Egyptians called individual Hieroglyphs. The names have been rendered phonetically to aid in pronunciation. It should be noted incidentally that no one knows how the ancient Egyptian language was pronounced –all attempts to reconstruct it are educated guesses and they by no means all agree




APED -The Eagle

Aped the Eagle indicates the need to have emotional distance in a situation –to step back from it and not get caught up. Aped indicates that the emotions of the moment may be blinding one, and that it is necessary to look at ones situation as from a distance.


Ah –The Forearm (Pl. Awi)

Ah the Forearm indicates receiving something positive: a gift of fate, the help of another, things falling into place unexpectedly and through no effort of your own.


BEH –The Leg

Beh the Leg indicates travel, movement, influences from other locations.


KEHEN –The Cup

Kehen the Cup indicates pleasure, enjoyment, good friends and positive situations. Happiness.


DET –The Hand

Det the Hand indicates personal skill and ability, being able to do whatever you want in the situation and to make the situation into whatever you want it to be.


EYAHIT –The Plant

Eyahit the Plant indicates growth, expansion, being very busy with many projects, many irons in the fire. Creativity, self expression.


FENNU –The Slug

Fennu the Slug indicates slow movement, need for patience. Let the situation develop at its own pace, which is likely to be slow. Things need to fall into place before they can move forward.


GA –The Vessel

Ga the Vessel indicates change, transformation, development from one thing to another: Ga will be seen to be a cooking vessel, with a stylized flame at its base. Just as cooking in a stew pot changes diverse ingredients into a coherent dish, so Ga represents the development of a situation from chaos to order.



Hebsit the Cloth indicates cleansing, releasing, letting go of the old to make way for the new. The need not to hold on to what one has outgrown.


EYAHT -The Plants

Eyaht the Plants indicate being over-extended, having too much to do, too many obligations, having taken on too much: the need to cut back, to simplify ones life.


JAHT –The Serpent

Jaht the Serpent indicates power and authority, whether of a person or an institution. Jaht indicates the need to take a humble role in the situation and work within a system controlled by others.


RU –The Lion 

Ru the Lion indicates bravery, courage, self-confidence. The strength to face every situation and stand up to every challenge. (The Egyptian language had no “L,” and only adapted this symbol to serve for “L” in late times to translate foreign words)


M’SHA –The Owl

M’Sha the Owl indicates wisdom, insight, knowledge: Having an overview of a situation, seeing it clearly.


NUI –The Waters

Nui the Waters indicate that Deity is guiding one, and one should relax and go with it, even if the destination is not yet clear. Divine providence. 


OAHR –The Rope

Oahr the rope indicates unseen problems, obstacles, or challenges. One must be careful, and should take a second look at the situation to try to see what was missed at first glance.


PAT –The Seat (mat)

Pat the Seat indicates the help and support of others: friends, family, associates. Good advice or aid from others will help the Querent. 


QAA –The Hill

Qaa the Hill indicates challenges and difficulties: what is desired may be possible, but will take much effort to attain. An uphill battle.


RE –The Mouth

Re the Mouth indicates communication, meetings, working out details with others.


SEBSEBA –The Fillet

Sebseba the Fillet indicates success, positive attention, admiration of others: the reward of effort. Honor, recognition.


TA –The Loaf

Ta the Loaf indicates taking care of others, fulfilling duties or requirements in a situation, attending to necessary details, making sure that what needs to be done gets done. Doing your part to make the situation successful.


THIT –The Tying Cord

Thit the Tying Cord indicates wealth and prosperity: having the things you desire.


UAHR –The Newborn Chick

Uahr the Newborn indicates new beginnings, new directions, new doors opening. Opportunity and potential.


ZHAT –The Door-bolt

Zhat the Doorbolt indicates safety and protection. Nothing in the situation will harm the individual or damage them in any way, so they should have no fear.