
Sacred Wicca

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Goddess Hathor


                                         I built a house for the Goddess,                                            
Made of the wood of the sycamore tree.

Under the leaves of the palm tree,
I eat bread in honour of her.

Hathor, Hawk of the Sky,
Rest in the limbs of my tree.

Hathor, House of the Sun,
Live in my house forever.




Hathor was worshipped by Royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as "Mistress of the West" welcoming the dead into the next life. She is the guardian of all females and is the embodiment of joy, love, dance, alcohol and perfume.  She has dominion over sex, birth, pleasure, intoxication, magick, music and death. Dance and music are the sacred arts of Hathor.

She ruled the month of Athyr, 17th September (the birthday of Hathor) to 16th October.   


Hathor was the embodiment of the Milky Way and was called the Celestial Cow. As a provider of milk, and due to cows careful tending of their calves, the cow was a universal symbol of motherhood. In art, Hathor was often depicted as a golden cow  or as a woman with the ears of a cow and a headdress of horns holding the sun-disc, which represented Ra.  The Milky Way spilt from Her breasts, and She was the Celestial Waterway upon which the Sun God and the King sailed. This association linked Her to the flooding of the Nile and the breaking of the waters before birth.


Hathor is the daughter of Ra the Sun God and Nut the Sky Goddess. Ra sent Hathor, in the form of an All-Seeing Eye, to watch over mankind. When angered Hathor could become destructive and may be the origin of the Evil Eye.  The Ankh may also have originated from Hathor’s eye.  When people began to drift away from the worship of Ra, the Sun God sent Hathor in the guise of a lion to punish them.   When she nearly wiped out all of humanity, Ra took pity and decided to stop her. Unfortunately by this time Hathor was filled with blood lust and wouldn’t listen to Ra. Eventually, Ra managed to get Hathor drunk which made her forget her task and obey Ra.  


In the Book of the Dead, Hathor is depicted as seven young women whose role is to determine the destiny of a child at birth. One by one they would announce the aspects of the child’s fate.

Hathor was also connected to Ba, an aspect of the soul, Her role was to greet the newly dead as they began their journey to the afterlife.


Hathor’s Mirror is made of polished copper or bronze with a wooden or bone handle in the shape of the Goddess. The polished mirror resembles the shape of a Sun Disc, the symbol that represents Hathor. Insert sun disc When looking into the mirror your individual power is reflected on one side while the thoughts and energies of others are reflected on the other.  The mirror can be used to ward off baneful energies by reflecting the energy back to the attacker.


Animal - Lynx, sparrow, swan, dove, cow

Astral Body - Sekhem - the form body

Body - Eye

Colour - Emerald, turquoise

Days - August 7, Sept 17

Festivals - Festival of Het Heret - November 2nd

Flower - Rose, myrtle

Gems - Emerald, turquoise

Minerals - Copper

Month - Athyr, 17th Sept - 16th Oct

Musical Instrument – Sistrum

Offerings – Mirrors, alcohol, perfume, scarabs, statues or pictures of cats and cows

Perfume - Benzoin, rose, red sandal, sandalwood, myrtle

Planet - Moon,

Plant - Papyrus

Star - Sirius

Tarot - The Empress, Sevens

Tree - Sycamore

Weapon - Lamp, Girdle