
Sacred Wicca

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Christmas Eve Peace Prayer


Clear and crisp comes Christmas Eve,

And the stars of the night twinkle brightly.

The light of the Moon glistens on snow,

And the logs blaze in the hearth.

The feast is cooking, it’s well underway

Our hearts are filled with good will.

The Spirit of Peace fills the night,

Our hearts are open and filled with cheer,

All is well and good.

We praise the Spirit of Peace

For all the blessings received.

May we remember for all of our days

That even in times of pain and strife,

The Spirit of Peace remains.

If we remember to look within,

For help with the burdens we bear,

The Spirit of Peace will light the way,

And smooth the road ahead.

Spirit of Peace, we invoke you now,

And praise you with thanks and with prayer.

©Rowan Morgana