
Sacred Wicca

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Planetary Correspondences

The God

Day - Sunday

It is associated with magic dealing with: authority, divine power, friendships, healing, learning, reason, god mysteries, employment, the law, prosperity, money, protection, strength, men, royalty, theatre, charity, entertainment/arts, heat, volunteering, government, self-confidence, movement/dance, fire, public matters, personal power, physical self-defence, purification, exorcism.

 Zodiac - Leo

Colors - Yellow, gold, orange
Metal - Gold
Stones - Amber, ametrine, cat's - eye, citrine, diamond, carnelian, golden calcite, Herkimer diamond, pipestone, pyrite, orange calcite, quartz, ruby, sunstone, tiger's - eye, topaz, yellow calcite
Herbs - Agrimony, alfalfa, allspice, almond, angelica, ash, banana, bay, birch, borage, buttercup, cactus, calendula, caraway seed, celandine, centaury, chamomile, cinnamon, citron, copal, daisies, eyebright, frankincense, ginseng, goldenrod, goldenseal, goldthread, heliotrope, High John the Conqueror root, hops, juniper, marigold, mistletoe, mullien, mustard, oak, oats, orange, peony, pimpernel, pineapple, rosemary, rue, saffron, sage, shepherd's purse, storax, St. John's wort, sundew, sunflower, tansy, tarragon, tea, thyme

The Goddess

 Day - Monday

It is associated with magic dealing with: cooking, dreams, family, the home, intuition, medicine, spiritual growth and the ocean.

Zodiac - Cancer
Colors - Silver, light blue, pale yellow, orchid, lavender
Metals - Silver
Stones - Amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, cat's - eye, chalcedony, Herkimer diamond, moonstone, mother-of-pearl, quartz, rainbow moonstone, sapphire, sea salt, selenite
Herbs - Adder's tongue, agrimony, aloe, angelica, anise seed, apple, ash, benzoin, birch, broom, cabbage, cactus, camphor, carnation, cedar, chickweed, clary sage, clevers, coconut, cucumber, cypress, dill, dittany, fir, grape, honeysuckle, hyacinth, jasmine, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, lemon grass, lemon verbena, lettuce, lily, lily of the valley, loosestrife, whirled magnolia, maple, milkweed, mistletoe, moonflower, money plant, mugwort, mushroom, myrrh myrtle, onion, orris root, parsley, peach, pear, peony, periwinkle, poplar, poppy pumpkin, rowan, sandalwood, sea weed, sesame seed, silverweed, spearmint, star anise, turnip, water lily, watercress, white oak, white rose, willow, wintergreen, witch hazel, wormwood, yarrow yerba mate, yew

God: Tyr

Day - Tuesday

It is associated with magic dealing with: athletics, competitions, conflicts, courage, hunting, legality, logic, physical strength, politics, vitality and war.

Zodiac - Aries
Colors - Red
Metal - Iron, steel
Stones - Apache tear, bloodstone, carnelian, diamond, fire opal, flint, garnet, hematite, lava, mochi balls, obsidian, pipestone, red aventurine, red calcite, red jasper, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx
 Herbs - Adam and Eve root, agrimony, all-heal, allspice, asafoetida, barberry, beech, beets, benzoin, betony, blackberry, bleeding heart, bloodroot, cashew, cattail, cayenne, cherry, chilli pepper, chives coriander, curry damiana, deer tongue, dragon's blood, ephedra, flax, galangal, garlic, geranium, ginger, hawthorn, hemlock, High John the Conqueror root, holly, honeysuckle, horseradish, male fern, mandrake, marjoram, mastic, mustard, nettles, onion, orchid, paprika, peppercorn, pine, quince, radish, ragweed, raspberry, red oak, red pepper, red rose, rhubarb, rue, sassafras, snapdragon, spinach, strawberry, sweet briar, tarragon, thistle, tobacco, tomato, woodruff, wormwood, yarrow yerba mate

God - Odin

Day - Wednesday

It is associated with magic dealing with: communication, divination, education, mystical insight, resourcefulness and self-improvement.

Zodiac - Gemini, Virgo
Colours - Orange, grey, blue
Metal - Mercury, aluminium, electrum
Stones - Agate, alexandrite, azurite, carnelian, chrysocolla, howlite, dyanite, merlinite, mica, mottled jasper, orange calcite, Picasso stone, snowflake obsidian, turquoise, unakite
Herbs - Alfalfa, almond, bayberry, bittersweet, broom, buckwheat, calamint, caraway, carrot, cascara, cedar, celandine, celery, chamomile, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, daffodil, dill, echinacea, elecampane, eucalyptus, fennel, fern, flax, gentian, hazel, honeysuckle, horehound, Jacob's ladder, lady's slipper, lavender, lemon verbena, liquorice, lobelia, lungwort, mace, meadowsweet, morning glory, mulberry, mullein, mushroom, myrtle, oats, papyrus, parsley, parsnips, passionflower, pecan, peppermint, pistachio, Queen Anne's lace, sage, sandalwood, sassafras, savoury, skullcap, slippery elm, uva-Ursa, valerian, walnut
God - Thor
Day - Thursday

It is associated with magic dealing with: dedication, endurance, faithfulness, legal matters, loyalty, luck and money matters.

Zodiac - Sagittarius
Colours - Blue, purple, violet, lavender
Metal - Tin, pewter
Stones - Amethyst, ametrine, apatite, blue calcite, blue lace agate, blue tiger's eye, blue tourmaline, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, merlinite, sapphire, sodalite, sugilite, turquoise
Herbs - African violet, agrimony, asparagus, betony, bilberry, bluebell, blueberry, borage, cardamom, carnation, cedar, chestnut, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove currant, dandelion, doc, dograss, fig, henna, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, lime, lungwort, maple,milkweed, mild thistle, mistletoe, moneywort, money plant, mulberry, mustard, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, onion, periwinkle, pine, red clover, sage, sandalwood, sarsaparilla, sumac, sweet briar, sweet cicely, tonka bean, violet, wallflower, yellow dock
Goddess -Freya
 Day - Friday

It is associated with magic dealing with: art, fertility, love, music and pleasure.

Zodiac - Taurus, Libra
Colors - Green, pink, rose, copper
Stones - Amber, adventurine, azurite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, emerald, green calcite, jade, kunzite, lapis lazuli, loadstone, malachite, peridot, pink calcite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, serpentine, sodalite, tourmaline (green, pink, watermelon) turquoise
Herbs - Adam and Eve root, African violet, alder, apple, ash, aster, avocado, basil, Balm of Gilead, bedstraw, bean, bergamot, bleeding heart, bloodroot, boneset, bugleweed, burdock, catnip, celery, cherry, chickpea, cocoa, coltsfoot, columbine, cosmos, crocus, cumin, cypress, daffodil, daisies, damiana, dittany, echinacea, elder, fern, flea-bane, foxglove, gardenia, geranium, heart's ease, heather, hibiscus, hollyhocks, horehound, hyacinth, hydrangeas, jasmine, jewelweed, juniper, kava-kava, lady's mantle, lady's slipper, lily of the valley, lime, lovage, marshmallow, meadowsweet, moneywort, motherwort, orchid, oregano, orris root, pansy, parsley, passion flower, pear, pennyroyal, peony, periwinkle, plantain, plum, poppy, primrose, radish, ragweed, red clover, red raspberry, rice, rose, sarsaparilla, self-heal, slippery elm, spearmint, spiderwort, star anise, strawberry, sweet pea, sycamore, tansy, thyme, tulips, vanilla, vervain, vetivert, violet, watermelon, wheat, woodruff, yarrow
God - Saturn
 Day - Saturday

It is associated with meditation and Karma, and magic dealing with: banishing, change, death, motivation, reincarnation, understanding and wills. 

Retrograde Saturn slows downtime, brings disappointment and delays, forces us to look at our mistakes, brings Karmic retribution, and tests patience.

Zodiac - Capricorn
Colours - Black, brown, wine, mustard, magenta
Metal - Lead, pewter, zinc
Stones - Alum, Apache tear, aragonite, black coral, black quartz, black tourmaline, bone, brown jasper, coal, garnet, hematite, howlite, jet, obsidian, onyx, salt, serpentine, smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, star sapphire
Herbs - Aconite (monkshood) buckthorn, burdock, carnation, comfrey, cornflower, cramp bark, cypress, datura, dodder, elder, elm, fern, fleabane, fumitory, garlic, heart's ease, hellebore, hemlock, hemp, henbane, horsetail Irish moss, ivy kava-kava, knotweed, laurel, lobelia, mandrake, mastic, morning glory, mullein, myrrh, nightshade, onion, pansy, patchouli, pine, pike, potato, quince, rowan, rue, skullcap, shepherd's purse, Solomon's seal, tamarind, tansy, tobacco, vetch, Virginia creeper, witch hazel, yew
Day - No traditional day
Zodiac - Pisces
Metal - Platinum, pewter
Stones - Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, blue aragonite, blue tourmaline, calcite (all colors) celetite, coral, gem silica lithium, green tourmaline, jade, kyanite, lepidolite, mother-of-pearl, pearl, petalite, petroleum products (oils and plastics) sea salt, sea shell, watermelon tourmaline, turquoise
Herbs - Adam and Eve root, African violet, agaric, alder, aloe, apricot, ash, blue flag, cabbage, catnip, cedar, celery, chives, copal, cucumber, elm, fennel, fig, fir, grape, hemp, hops, Irish moss, jack in the pulpit, jade tree, jewelweed, jonquil, lavender, lemon, lemon grass, lettuce, lotus, lovage, magnolia, mastic, milkweed, morning glory, moss, mugwort, mushroom, narcissus, onion, papaya, passion flower, peach pear, plum poppy pumpkin, sea weed skunk cabbage, soapwort, sweet pea, violet, water lily watercress, watermelon, willow wisteria, yerba mate, ylang-ylang
Day - No traditional day
Zodiac - Scorpio
Colors - Black dark red, rust, indigo
Metal - Plutonium, manganese, chromium, carbon steel
Stones - Alexandrite, Apache tear, black coral, black quartz, black tourmaline, dark opal, diamond, hematite, Herkimer diamond, jet, kunzite, labradorite, moldavite, obsidian, onyx, ruby snowflake obsidian, unakite
Herbs - Aconite (monkshood), agaric, artichoke, asafoetida, basil, bayberry, belladonna, birch, blackberry, black-eyed susan, blackthorn, burdock, catalpa, cattail, chrysanthemum, cohosh (black and blue), damiana, datura, dogwood, dragon's blood, elder, eucalyptus, foxglove, fumitory, ginseng, hawthorn, heather, hemlock, holly, kava-kava, life everlasting, lobelia, mandrake, mistletoe, morning glory, nightshade, orchid, pansy, patchouli, pine, pitcher plant, pomegranate, rhododendron, rosemary, rowan, rye, saw palmetto, slippery elm, sundew, toadflax, tobacco, unicorn root, vanilla, Venus flytrap, wormwood, yew yucca
Source : The Outer Temple of Witchcraft
Christopher Penczak


The Pentacles of Solomon