
Sacred Wicca

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Maypole Altar Centerpiece

You will need;

Gold craft Bells
Pastel coloured ribbons
Tall white, yellow or green pillar candle
Candleholder (stand)


  • Cut lengths of ribbon around 18 inches each, in pretty Springtime colours. ( pastels)
  • Tie a craft bell to each end of the ribbon (a toothpick helps this process)
  • Tie ribbons starting at 3/4 way down the pillar candle, knot three times don't tie bows, you need lots of length on the ribbons.
  • Tie as many as you like snaking your way up the candle, but leave at least 1/4 candle bare.
  • Place in a candle stand that will raise the candle about 6 - 8 inches, so the ribbons can "drape"
  • Swirl the bundle of ribbons so they face East, ready to greet the dawn.

Beltane Printables